Juliette West
The last few years of my life have been dedicated to helping others find health and happiness in their lives. In this blink of an eyelid that we are here in this life there appears to be so much pain and suffering, so I feel compelled to ease some of that pain and some of the depression and anxiety that seems so prevalent in our society. One of the very first things I noticed when I began to take homeopathic remedies many years ago was that it balanced my emotions. So I would like to tell you my story, but where do you start when there is such an intricate mosaic of life in the world you have created for yourself? My own healing journey began alongside my spiritual growth, so when I was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), that was the catalyst and the wake-up call I needed to change my life. From the very beginning I knew that I wanted to choose natural means of healing rather than use the medical system, which I was told, could do nothing for me but slow the process. The first step was becoming a vegetarian and reducing the chemical load on my body. To cut a long story short, natural healing modalities such as homeopathy have helped me to:
- Overt having a hysterectomy because of three large fibroids (that have now disappeared).
- Balance my hormones so that I no longer have monthly migraines and extremely painful periods that used to cause nausea and vomiting.
- Reduce acidity in my body that was causing painful rheumatism in my legs.
- Eliminate candida which was causing a furry tongue and recurrent thrush infections.
- Manage kidney problems to the point that I no longer have pain or constant infections.
I can honestly say I am healthier than I have been all of my life! I have so much more energy and I no longer cringe when someone tells me they have a cold, flu or stomach bug because I know my immune system is strong enough to either fight it off or not allow it to progress to a secondary infection if I do happen to catch anything. I NEVER take antibiotics anymore and I anticipate I never will again unless I am in a life-threatening situation. With homeopathy to help me in every situation that arises I am confident of living a long and healthy life into my old age.